Launch-able, Build-able, and Shareable
In the previous chapter, we created a "Hello World!" app to show off our Vala and Gtk skills. But what if we wanted to share our new app with a friend? They'd have to know which packages to include with the valac
command we used to build our app, and after they'd built it they'd have to run it from the build directory like we did. Clearly, we need to do some more stuff to make our app fit for people to use, to make it a real app.
To create our first real app, we're going to re-use what we learned in the last chapter and build on that example.
Create a new project folder, including a new "src" folder and an Application.vala file
Create a Gtk.Application
class with a Gtk.ApplicationWindow
in the activate ()
Add a new Gtk.Label
to the window with the text "Hello Again World!"
Finally, this time we're going to prefix our file with a small legal header. Make sure this header matches the license of your code and assigns copyright to you. More info about this later.
The results should look like this:
Build "Application.vala" just to make sure it all works. If something goes wrong here, feel free to refer back to the last chapter and remember to check your terminal output for any hints.
Initialize a git branch, add your files to the project, and write a commit message using what you learned in the last chapter. Lastly, make sure you've created a new repository for your project on GitHub push your first revision with git
Everything working as expected? Good. Now, let's get our app ready for other people to use.
Since we're going to be putting our app out into the wild, we should include some information about who wrote it and the legal usage of its source code. For this we need a new file in our project's root folder: the LICENSE
file. This file contains a copy of the license that your code is released under. For elementary OS apps this is typically the GNU General Public License (GPL). Remember the header we added to our source code? That header reminds people that your app is licensed and it belongs to you. GitHub has a built-in way to add several popular licenses to your repository. Read their documentation for adding software licenses and add a LICENSE
file to your repository.
If you'd like to better understand software licensing, the Linux Foundation offers a free online course on open source licensing
Next, we need a way to create a listing in AppCenter and a way to tell the interface to show our app in the Applications menu and dock: let's write some Metadata.
List your app in AppCenter and make it accessible from the Applications menu and Dock.
Every app comes with two metadata files that we can generate using an online tool. Open AppStream Metainfo Creator and fill out the form with your app's info:
When you get the section titled "Launchables", make sure to select "Generate a .desktop file for me".
Don't worry about generating Meson snippets, as we'll cover that in the next section. After you select "Generate", you should have two resulting files that you can copy.
First is a MetaInfo file. This file contains all the information needed to list your app in AppCenter. It should look something like this:
In your project's root, create a new folder called "data", and save your MetaInfo to a new file called "hello-again.metainfo.xml".
Below are some of the most important fields for publishing in AppCenter, but there are even more optional fields that you can read about
For the purposes of this tutorial, screenshots are optional, but they are required for publishing in AppCenter. Screenshots should only show your app on a transparent background and not contain any additional text or illustrations. You can use the caption
tag to provide translatable and accessible descriptions of your screenshots.
You can use the built-in Screenshot app on elementary OS with the "grab the current window" option or secondary-click on your app's title area and select "Take Screenshot" to get transparent window-only screenshots of your app
We use the Open Age Rating Service (OARS) standard to describe sensitive content that may be present in your app so that people using it can be informed and actively consent to seeing that content. OARS data is required and can be generated by taking a short survey:
You can also specify a brand color for your app by adding the branding
tag inside the component
tag. Colors must be in hexadecimal, starting with #
. The background will automatically be given a slight gradient in your app's banner.
If you want to monetize your app, you will need to add two keys inside a custom
tag inside the component
tag. Suggested prices should be in whole USD. You also must include your app's AppCenter Stripe key. This is a unique public key for each app and is not the same as your Stripe account's regular public key. You can connect your app to Stripe and receive a new key on the AppCenter Dashboard.
Remember that AppCenter is a pay-what-you-want store. A suggested price is not a price floor. Users will still be able to choose any price they like, including 0.
Your app must have a release
tag for every version you wish to publish in AppCenter, including the initial release.
For more details on available features and advice on writing engaging release notes see Publishing Updates.
This file contains all the information needed to display your app in the Applications Menu and in the Dock. The one generated from AppStream Metainfo Creator looks something like this:
Copy the contents of your Desktop Entry and save it to the data folder you created earlier. Name this new file "hello-again.desktop".
For more info about crafting .desktop files, check out this HIG entry.
Each time we add a new file or make a significant change it's a good idea to commit a new revision and push to GitHub. Keep in mind that this acts as a backup system as well; when we push our work to GitHub, we know it's safe and we can always revert to a known good revision if we mess up later.
Add all of these files to git
and commit a revision:
Now that we've got all these swanky files laying around, we need a way to tell the computer what to do with them. Ready for the next chapter? Let's do this!
The last thing we need for a minimum-viable-app is to provide app icons. Apps on elementary OS provide icons hinted in 6 sizes: 16px, 24px, 32px, 48px, 64px, and 128px. These icons will be shown in many places throughout the system, such as those listed below:
✖️ No
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
✖️ No
To help you provide the necessary sizes—and for this tutorial—Micah Ilbery maintains an icon template project here on GitHub
Place your icons in the data directory and name them after their pixel sizes, such as32.svg
, 64.svg
, etc. The file structure should look like this:
Now that you have icon files in the data directory, add the following lines to the end of meson.build
to install them .
You'll notice the section for installing app icons is a little more complicated than installing other files. In this example, we're providing SVG icons in all of the required sizes for AppCenter and, since we're using SVG, we're installing them for both LoDPI and HiDPI. If you're providing PNG icons instead, you'll need to tweak this part a bit to handle assets exported for use on HiDPI displays.
If you cannot see your new icon in the Applications Menu or the Dock once you've reinstalled your app, refresh your system's icon cache using the following command:
For more information about creating and hinting icons, check out the Human Interface Guidelines
Compiling Binaries & Installing Data with Meson
The next thing we need is a build system. The build system that we're going to be using is called Meson. We already installed the meson
program at the beginning of this book when we installed elementary-sdk
. What we're going to do in this step is create the files that tell Meson how to install your program. This includes all the rules for building your source code as well as correctly installing your icons, .desktop, and metainfo files and the binary app that results from the build process.
Create a new file in your project's root folder called "meson.build". We've included some comments along the way to explain what each section does. You don't have to copy those, but type the rest into that file:
Notice that in each of our install_data
methods, we rename our files using our project name. By using our project name—and its RDNN scheme—we will ensure that our files are installed under a unique name that won't cause conflicts with other apps.
And you're done! Your app now has a real build system. This is a major milestone in your app's development!
Don't forget to add these files to git
and push to GitHub.
Now that we have a build system, let's try it out. Configure the build directory using the Meson command in Terminal:
This command tells Meson to get ready to build our app using the prefix "/usr" and that we want to build our app in a clean directory called "build". The meson setup
command defaults to installing our app locally, but we want to install our app for all users on the computer.
Change into the build directory and use ninja
to build. Then, if the build is successful, install with ninja install
If all went well, you should now be able to open your app from the Applications Menu and pin it to the Dock. We'll revisit Meson again later to add some more complicated behavior, but for now this is all you need to know to give your app a proper build system. If you want to explore Meson a little more on your own, you can always check out Meson's documentation.
If you were about to add the "build" folder to your git repository and push it, stop! This binary was built for your computer and we don't want to redistribute it. In fact, we built your app in a separate folder like this so that we can easily delete or ignore the "build" folder and it won't mess up our app's source code.
To uninstall your application, change into the build directory and we will use ninja
once again to uninstall:
If all went well, you should see command output that shows files related to your application were removed. Again, more details can be found in Meson's documentation.
Let's review all we've learned to do:
Create a new Gtk app using Gtk.Window
, Gtk.Button
, and Gtk.Label
Keep our projects organized into branches
License our app under the GPL and declare our app's authors in a standardized manner
Create a .desktop file using RDNN that tells the computer how to display our app in the Applications Menu and the Dock
Set up a Meson build system that contains all the rules for building our app and installing it cleanly
Uninstall our application cleanly
That's a lot! You're well on your way to becoming a bona fide app developer for elementary OS. Give yourself a pat on the back, then take some time to play around with this example. Change the names of files and see if you can still build and install them properly. Ask another developer to clone your repo from GitHub and see if it builds and installs cleanly on their computer. If so, you've just distributed your first app! When you're ready, we'll move onto the next section: Translations.
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub
Before we even think about writing code, you'll need a certain basic setup. This chapter will walk you through the process of getting set up. We will cover the following topics:
Creating an account on GitHub and importing an SSH key
Setting up the Git version control system
Getting and using the elementary developer "SDK"
We’re going to assume that you’re working from a clean installation of elementary OS 5.1 Hera or later. This is important as the instructions you’re given may reference apps that are not present (or even available) in other GNU/Linux based operating systems like Ubuntu. It is possible to apply the principles of this guide to Ubuntu development, but it may be more difficult to follow along.
GitHub is an online platform for hosting code, reporting issues, tracking milestones, making releases, and more. If you're planning to publish your app through AppCenter, you'll need a GitHub account. If you already have an account, feel free to move on to the next section. Otherwise, sign up for a GitHub account and return when you're finished.
To download and upload to GitHub, you'll need the Terminal program git
. Git is a type of version control system that allows multiple developers to collaboratively develop and maintain code while keeping track of each version along the way.
If you're ready, let's get you set up to use Git:
Open the Terminal and install Git
We need to inform Git who we are so that when we upload code it is attributed correctly. Inform Git of your identity with the following commands
To authenticate and transfer code securely, you’ll need to generate an SSH key pair (a kind of fingerprint for your computer) and import your public key to GitHub. Type the following in Terminal:
When prompted, press Enter to accept the default file name for your key. You can choose to protect your key with a password or press Enter again to use no password when pushing code.
Now we're going to import your public key to GitHub. View your public SSH key with the following command, then copy the text that appears
Visit your SSH keys page and click the green button in the upper right-hand corner that says "New SSH key". Paste your key in the "Key" box and give it a title.
We're all done! Now you can download source code hosted on GitHub and upload your own code. We'll revisit using git
in a bit, but for now you're set up.
For a more in-depth intro to Git, we recommend Codecademy's course on Git.
For more details on uploading your SSH public key to GitHub, please see GitHub's official guide.
At the time of this writing, elementary OS doesn't have a full SDK like Android or iOS. But luckily, we only need a couple apps to get started writing code.
The first piece of our "SDK" is Code. This comes by default with elementary OS. It comes with some helpful features like syntax highlighting, auto-save, and a Folder Manager. There are other extensions for Code as well, like the Outline, Terminal, Word Completion, or Devhelp extensions. Play around with what works best for you.
We’re going to use Terminal in order to compile our code, push revisions to GitHub (using git
), and other good stuff. Throughout this guide, we’ll be issuing Terminal commands. You should assume that any command is executed from the directory “Projects” in your home folder unless otherwise stated. Since elementary OS doesn’t come with that folder by default, you’ll need to create it.
Open Terminal and issue the following command:
In order to build apps you're going to need their development libraries. We can fetch a basic set of libraries and other development tools with the following terminal command:
On elementary OS you will already have the required Flatpak remote and platform pre-installed. On other Linux OSes, you can add the remote and install the Flatpak platform and SDK:
And with that, we're ready to dive into development! Let's move on!
Creating and distributing apps for elementary OS
The examples in this documentation use Vala, but the libraries and concepts used to build apps for elementary OS also work with a number of popular languages like C, Python, Go, Rust, etc. We don't assume extensive expertise in Vala in this guide, but basic programming knowledge and experience with object-oriented programming languages will be valuable.
If you're not familiar with Vala and want to learn, there are great resources available on the Vala website
Design is covered in the Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). We reference the HIG throughout this guide and it's important you grasp the concepts proposed there, but this guide is focused primarily on code.
We recommend to at least skim "The Basic Setup" first, but sections are generally written to be standalone tutorials and will reference other parts of the guide where necessary.
We use GitHub discussions for Q&A as well as a place to submit ideas or show off what you're working on! Join the community
The first app we’ll create will be a basic and generic “Hello World”. We’ll walk through the steps of creating folders to store our source code, compiling our first app, and pushing the project to a Git branch. Let’s begin.
Apps on elementary OS are organized into standardized directories contained in your project's "root" folder. Let's create a couple of these to get started:
Create your root folder called "gtk-hello"
Create a folder inside that one called "src". This folder will contain all of our source code.
Later on, We'll talk about adding other directories like "po" and "data". For now, this is all we need.
Now what you've been waiting for! We're going to create a window that contains a button. When pressed, the button will display the text "Hello World!" To do this, we're going to use a widget toolkit called GTK and the programming language Vala. Before we begin, we highly recommend that you do not copy and paste. Typing each section manually will help you to practice and remember. Let's get started:
Create a new file in Code and save it as "Application.vala" inside your "src" folder
In this file, we're going to create a special class called a Gtk.Application
. Gtk.Application
is a class that handles many important aspects of a Gtk app like uniqueness and the ID you need to identify your app to the notifications server. If you want some more details about Gtk.Application
, check out Valadoc. For now, type the following in "Application.vala".
You'll notice that most of these property names are pretty straightforward. Inside MyApp ()
we set a couple of properties for our Gtk.Application
object, namely our app's ID and flags. The naming scheme we used for our app's ID is called Reverse Domain Name Notation and will ensure that your app has a unique identifier. The first line inside the activate
method creates a new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
called main_window
. The fourth line sets the window title that you see at the top of the window. We also must give our window a default size so that it does not appear too small for the user to interact with it. Then in our main ()
method we create a new instance of our Gtk.Application
and run it.
Ready to test it out? Fire up your terminal and make sure you're in "~/Projects/gtk-hello/src". Then execute the following commands to compile and run your first Gtk app:
Do you see a new, empty window called "Hello World"? If so, congratulations! If not, read over your source code again and look for errors. Also check the output of your terminal. Usually there is helpful output that will help you track down your mistake.
Now that we've defined a nice window, let's put a button inside of it. Add the following to your application at the beginning of the activate ()
Then add this line right before main_window.present ()
Any ideas about what happened here?
We've created a new Gtk.Button
with the label "Click me!"
Then we add margins to the button so that it doesn't bump up against the sides of the window.
We've said that if this button is clicked, we want to change the label to say "Hello World!" instead.
We've also said that we want to make the button insensitive after it's clicked; We do this because clicking the button again has no visible effect
Finally, we add the button to our Gtk.ApplicationWindow
and declare that we want to show the window.
Compile and run your application one more time and test it out. Nice job! You've just written your first GTK app!
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub
After we do anything significant, we must remember to push our code. This is especially important in collaborative development where not pushing your code soon enough can lead to unintentional forks and pushing too much code at once can make it hard to track down any bugs introduced by your code.
First we need to create a new repository on GitHub. Visit the new repository page and create a new repository for your code.
Open Terminal and make sure you're in your project's root directory "~/Projects/gtk-hello", then issue the following commands
With these commands:
We've told git
to track revisions in this folder
That we'd like to track revisions on the file "Application.vala" specifically
We've committed our first revision and explained what we did in the revision
Then we've told git
to push your code to GitHub.
Remember to replace "yourusername"
with your GitHub username and "yourrepositoryname"
with the name of the new repository you created
Let's recap what we've learned to do in this first section:
We created a new project containing a "src" folder
We created our main vala file and inside it we created a new Gtk.Window
and Gtk.Button
We built and ran our app to make sure that everything worked properly
Finally, we committed our first revision and pushed code to GitHub
Feel free to play around with this example. Make the window a different size, set different margins, make the button say other things. When you're comfortable with what you've learned, go on to the next section.
Remember how when we compiled our code, we used the valac
command and the argument --pkg gtk4
? What we did there was make use of a "library". If you're not familiar with the idea of libraries, a library is a collection of methods that your program can use. So this argument tells valac
to include the GTK library (version 4) when compiling our app.
In our code, we've used the Gtk
"Namespace" to declare that we want to use methods from GTK (specifically, Gtk.Window
and Gtk.Button.with_label
). Notice that there is a hierarchy at play. If you want to explore that hierarchy in more detail, you can check out Valadoc.
Creating multi-pane app layouts
So far, you've created apps with a single HeaderBar, but what about creating an app with a multi-pane layout like Mail or Tasks?
Before we begin, make sure you've included Granite in the build dependencies of your "meson.build" file. We'll be using it later for a couple of style classes.
Start with a new Gtk.Application
, but this time set the titlebar
property of the ApplicationWindow to an invisible grid. This will replace the default HeaderBar of the window since we'll be creating our own HeaderBars inside the paned layout.
Then create a new Gtk.Paned
and set that as the child of the ApplicationWindow. A Paned is a resizable widget that can contain two children. There are various properties you can set to control the widgets behavior when the AppliactionWindow is resized; For the purposes of this tutorial we want the first pane to stay a fixed size and we don't want someone to be able to make the window smaller than the contents of both sides of the Paned.
Next, let's create a new Gtk.HeaderBar
and hide its title buttons. Then, we're going to pack our own Gtk.WindowControls
that only contain the buttons for one side of the Window. And finally, we'll put that HeaderBar in a Box and set that as the start_child
of the Paned.
Do the same thing again for the end_child
of the Paned: create a HeaderBar with END
WindowControls, inside a vertical Box.
Finally, make a few small tweaks:
Set an empty label as the title_widget
in the start header
to the end box
Set the default size and title properties of the ApplicationWindow
The final result should look like this:
Now that you've learned about Meson, the next step is to make your app able to be translated to different languages. The first thing you need to know is how to mark strings in your code as translatable. Here's an example:
See the difference? We marked the string as translatable by adding _()
around it. Go back to your project and make all your strings translatable by adding _()
Now we have to make some changes to our Meson build system and add a couple new files to describe which files we want to translate and which languages we want to translate into.
Open up your "meson.build" file and add these lines below your project declaration:
Remove the lines that install your .desktop and metainfo files and replace them with the following:
The merge_file
method combines translating and installing files, similarly to how the executable
method combines building and installing your app. You might have noticed that this method has both an input
argument and an output
argument. We can use this instead of the rename
argument from the install_data
Still in this file, add the following as the last line:
You might have noticed in step 2 that the merge_file
method has an input
and output
. We're going to append the additional extension .in
to our .desktop and .metainfo.xml files so that this method can take the untranslated files and produce translated files with the correct names.
We use the git mv
command here instead of renaming in the file manager or with mv
so that git
can keep track of the file rename as part of our revision history.
Now, Create a directory named "po" in the root folder of your project. Inside of your po directory you will need to create another "meson.build" file. This time, its contents will be:
Inside of "po" create another file called "POTFILES" that will contain paths to all of the files you want to translate. For us, this looks like:
Now it's time to go back to your build directory and generate some new files using Terminal! The first one is our translation template or .pot
After running this command you should notice a new file in the po directory containing all of the translatable strings for your app.
We have one more file to create in the "po" directory. This file will be named "LINGUAS" and it should contain the two-letter language codes for all languages you want to provide translations for. As an example, let's add German and Spanish
Now we can use the template file to generate translation files for each of the languages we listed in the LINGUAS file with the following command:
You should notice two new files in your po directory called de.po
and es.po
. These files are now ready for translators to localize your app!
Last step. Don't forget to add all of the new files we created in the po directory to git:
That's it! Your app is now fully ready to be translated. Remember that each time you add new translatable strings or change old ones, you should regenerate your .pot and po files using the -pot
and -update-po
build targets from the previous two steps. If you want to support more languages, just list them in the LINGUAS file and generate the new po file with the -update-po
target. Don't forget to add any new po files to git!
Sometimes detailed descriptions in the context of translatable strings are necessary for disambiguation or to help in the creation of accurate translations. For these situations use /// TRANSLATORS:
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code
Apps should automatically save their state in elementary OS, allowing a user to re-open a closed app and pick up right where they left off. To do so, we utilize GSettings
via GLib.Settings
. GSettings allows your app to save certain stateful information in the form of booleans, strings, arrays, and more. It's a great solution for window size and position as well as whether certain modes are enabled or not. Note that GSettings is ideal for small amounts of configuration or stateful data, but user data (i.e. documents) should be stored on the disk.
For the simplest example, let's create a switch in your app, and save its state.
First, you need to define what settings your app will use so they can be accessed by your app. In your data/
folder, create a new file named gschema.xml
. Inside it, let's define a key for the switch:
The schema's path
and id
attributes are your app's ID (path
in a /
format while id
is the standard dot-separated format). Note the key's name
and type
attributes: the name is a string to reference the setting, while in this case type="b"
defines the setting as a boolean. The key's summary and description are developer-facing and are exposed in developer tools like dconf Editor.
In order to interact with the settings key we just defined, we need to create a GLib.Settings object in our application. Building on previous examples, you can create a Gtk.Switch, add it to your window, create a Settings object, and bind the switch to a settings key like so:
You can read more about GLib.Settings.bind ()
on Valadoc, but for now this will bind the active
property of the switch to the value of useless-setting
in GSettings. When one changes, the other will stay in sync to reflect it.
We need to add the new GSchema XML file to our build system so it is included at install time. Create a file data/meson.build
and type the following:
This ensures your gschema.xml file is installed, and renames it with your app's ID to avoid filename conflicts.
Be sure to add the following lines to the end of the meson.build file in your source root so that Meson will compile the installed schemas:
Compile and install your app to see it in action!
To see the state saving functionality in action, you can open your app, toggle the switch, close it, then re-open it. The switch should retain its previous state. To see it under the hood, open dconf Editor, navigate to your app's settings at io.github.yourusername.yourrepositoryname, and watch the useless-setting
update in real time when you toggle your switch.
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub
While having a build system is great, our app still isn't ready for regular users. We want to make sure our app can be built and installed without having to use Terminal. What we need to do is package our app. To do this, we use Flatpak on elementary OS. This section will teach you how to package your app as a Flatpak, which is required to publish apps in AppCenter. This will allow people to install your app and even get updates for it when you publish them.
If you want to get really good really fast, you're going to want to practice. Repetition is the best way to commit something to memory. So let's recreate our entire Hello World app again from scratch:
Create a new branch folder "hello-packaging"
Set up our directory structure including the "src" and "data" folders.
Add your LICENSE, .desktop, .metainfo.xml, icons, and source code.
Now set up the Meson build system and translations.
Test everything!
Did you commit and push to GitHub for each step? Keep up these good habits and let's get to packaging this app!
The Flatpak manifest file describes your app's build dependencies and required permissions. Create a io.github.yourusername.yourrepositoryname.yml
file in your project root with the following contents:
To run a test build and install your app, we can use flatpak-builder
with a few arguments:
This tells Flatpak Builder to build the manifest we just wrote into a clean build
folder the same as we did for Meson. Plus, we install the built Flatpak package locally for our user. If all goes well, congrats! You've just built and installed your app as a Flatpak.
That wasn't too bad, right? We'll set up more complicated packaging in the future, but this is all that is required to submit your app to AppCenter Dashboard for it to be built, packaged, and distributed. If you'd like you can always read more about Flatpak.
Ninja and Flatpak both provide commands to uninstalling the application. It is recommended to use the provided method in both cases.
To remove our application with Flatpak, we will use Flatpak's remove
Flatpak will prompt you to remove your application.
Note: You can append
to the command to bypass the dialog confirmation prompt
If you'd like you can always read more about Flatpak remove.
Include additional resources with your app like icons or CSS files using GResource
When using GResource, custom resource files will be compiled into your app's binary, ensuring they're available and loaded when your app launches. Regardless of which type of resource you'd like to include, you'll need to create a gresource.xml
file and include it in your build system.
Make sure to start with a Gtk.Application
as described in the previous section. In the data
directory, create a new file called gresource.xml
like the one below. Then update your meson build file to include steps to build the resource into your binary. Make sure to update the resource prefix to match your app's RDNN.
Now that we have a gresource.xml
file and have included it in the build system, we can add files and reference them in our app.
You can provide custom icons and have your app automatically refer to them by name and choose the correct size by adding them your Gresource file under the namespace /icons
. For this to work properly, your resource path must match your application's ID.
Add a custom icon to the data
directory, and then update your gresource.xml
file to reference it:
If you want to use the same icon name in multiple sizes in your app, you can alias
the icon to paths in hicolor and GTK will automatically load the correct version when its size is referenced:
When creating icons, it is important to know which sizes will be used and to design and hint the icon at that size. For more information about creating and hinting icons, check out the Human Interface Guidelines.
The last step is to create a Gtk.Image or Gtk.Button using your custom icon and add it to the main window:
Continuous integration testing (also called CI), is a way to automatically ensure that your app builds correctly and has the minimum necessary configuration to run when it's installed. Setting up CI for your app can save you time and give you reassurance that when you submit your app for publishing it will pass the automated testing phase in AppCenter Dashboard. Keep in mind however, that there is also a human review portion of the submission process, so an app that passes CI may still need fixing before being published in AppCenter. Now that you have an app with a build system, metadata files, and packaging, we can configure CI using GitHub Actions.
Navigate to your project's page on GitHub and select the "Actions" tab.
Select "set up a workflow yourself". You'll then be shown the main.yml
file with GitHub's default CI configuration. Replace the default workflow with the following:
Select "Start commit" in the top right corner of the page to commit this workflow to your repository.
That's it! The Flatpak CI workflow will now run on your repository for any new commits or pull requests. You'll be able to see if the build succeeded or failed, and any reasons it might have failed. Configuring this CI workflow will help guide you during the development process and ensure that everything is working as intended.
This workflow will also produce a Flatpak Bundle file using GitHub Artifacts that you can download and install with Sideload. Using this bundle file, you can test feature or bug fix branches with your team, contributors, or community before merging the proposed fix into your main git branch.
GitHub Actions can be used to configure many more types of CI or other automation. For more information, check out the GitHub Actions website.
One way to debug apps is by logging information in the code. This enables seeing which code was run when a problem occurred and what the value of variables were. You can directly call GLib.Log ()
or use the convenience functions listed below.
To view logs from all your applications you can use journalctl
Debug logs usually give detailed information on the flow through the system and are not printed to Terminal or logs by default.
Log functions, like debug
use printf
style formatting and can be called like this:
Start your app with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all
to print debug messages
Use info log level to log informational messages as well as interesting runtime events. These logs are also immediately visible on a status console, and should be kept to a minimum.
Use the message log level to output a message.
The warning log level outputs messages that warn of, for example, use of deprecated APIs, 'almost' errors, or runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". These logs are immediately visible on a status console.
Start your app with G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings
to exit the program at the first call to warning ()
or critical ()
Critical log level is used when there is a severe application failure that should be investigated immediately.
Start your app with G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals
to exit the program at the first call to critical ()
Error log level includes logs for runtime errors or unexpected conditions. These errors are immediately visible on a status console and cause your app to exit.
How to organize widgets using common containers
Now that you know how to code, build, and package an app using Vala, Gtk, Meson, and Flatpak, it’s time to learn a little bit more about how to build out your app into something really useful. The first thing we need to learn is how to lay out widgets in our window. But we have a fundamental problem: We can only add one widget (one “child”) to Gtk.Window
. So how do we get around that to create complex layouts in a Window? We have to add a widget that can contain multiple children. The most common widgets for creating layouts are Boxes and Grids.
A Box is a widget that can contain multiple children in a single row or column. We create a new Gtk.Box like this:
Remember that Gtk.Button
and Gtk.Label
accept an argument (a String) in the creation method (that’s the stuff in parentheses and quotes). As shown above, Gtk.Box
accepts two arguments in the creation method—orientation and spacing. Here, we’ve declared that when we add widgets to our box, they should stack vertically.
Let’s add some stuff to the Box:
Add the box to a window using the child
Now build your app and see what it looks like. Since we’ve given our box a Gtk.Orientation
the labels stack up on top of each other. Try creating a Gtk.Box
with horizontal orientation.
While we can use Gtk.Box
to create single row or single column layouts with the append method, we can't use it to create row-and-column-based layouts. Instead, we can use Gtk.Grid:
Notice that the attach method takes 5 arguments:
The widget that you want to attach to the grid.
The column number to attach to starting at 0.
The row number to attach to starting at 0.
The number of columns the widget should span.
The number of rows the widget should span.
You can also use attach_next_to
to place a widget next to another one on all four sides. Note also that providing the number of rows and columns the widget should span is optional. If you supply only the column and row numbers, Gtk will assume that the widget will span 1 column and 1 row.
Make sure to give widgets unique names that you’ll remember. It’s best practice to use descriptive names so that people who are unfamiliar with your code can understand what a widget is for without having to know your app inside and out.
Let’s recap what we learned in this section:
We packed multiple children into a Window using Gtk.Box
and Gtk.Grid
We set the properties of Gtk.Grid
including its spacing
We added multiple widgets into a single Gtk.Grid using the attach method to create complex layouts containing Buttons and Labels.
Now that you understand more about Boxes and Grids, try packing other kinds of widgets into a window like an Image. Don’t forget to play around with the attach method and widgets that span across multiple rows and columns. Remember that Valadoc is super helpful for learning more about the methods and properties associated with widgets.
The following are hard requirements for all apps submitted to AppCenter. Both automated and human reviews will check these requirements before each app and app update is approved and released to users.
Your app may be written in any language, but the front-end must be a native Gtk3 or Gtk4 app. Web, Electron, Qt, Java, and other non-native app front-ends will be rejected during the review process. A game may be excepted from this requirement so long as it uses native window decorations and is generally usable on both loDPI and HiDPI displays.
Your app must not attempt to modify, replace, or append software sources on the target system.
Your app must not attempt to modify other apps or system programs.
Your Flatpak manifest must use the elementary runtime. Manifests using for example the GNOME runtime will faill to build since that runtime is not available in the AppCenter remote.
Your sandbox holes must be reasonable as decided by app reviewers. Generally you should aim for your app to be as tightly sandboxed as possible and provide an explanation for any sandbox holes your app requires. AppCenter will warn about sandbox holes when downloading your app.
AppCenter supports publishing apps that meet these requirements; extensions or plugins (eg. to the Panel, System Settings, or other apps) are not currently supported.
Your metainfo.xml file must contain a screenshot
tag that references a screenshot of your app with elementary OS default settings including the GTK stylesheet, icons, window button position, etc. Screenshots referenced in your MetaInfo should not contain marketing copy, illustrations, or other elements aside from a full-window screenshot of your app in use.
Your .desktop file must not contain NoDisplay=true
or anything else that prevents it from showing up in the applications launcher.
Your app must install icons to /usr/share/icons/hicolor
in 32px, 48px, 64px, and 128px. These are the icon sizes that will be displayed in the Applications menu's search, grid, and category views, Multitasking View, the dock, and in AppCenter.
You must have permission to redistribute any software you attempt to publish through AppCenter. If you are not the copyright holder or the source code is not openly licensed, you likely do not have permission to redistribute the software.
You must have permission to use any trademarks in your software or its metadata. You may not publish your app using trademarks reserved by others.
Your app must comply with all applicable laws as well as the terms of any services your app utilizes.
To protect both users and developers, your app's name must not be the same as or confusingly similar to an existing app in AppCenter or another brand, as determined by app reviewers.
Your app should not be named generically like "Web Browser" or "File Manager".
Your app should not use "elementary", "Pantheon", or other elementary brand names in its naming scheme. It should also not be formatted with a leading lowercase "e", such as "eApp".
Your app should display its own graphical user interface on launch; it should not open another app or system component without user interaction inside your app UI. For example, if your app operates on a given file, it should display its own UI with an "Open File" button (or similar) before throwing an Open File dialog. If your app can request elevated permissions for certain actions, those permissions should be requested after your app's UI is shown and preferably only on-demand when actions requiring those permissions are performed.
Your app cannot be an "app store," as ultimately determined by app reviewers. This includes but is not limited to apps that look and function confusingly similarly to AppCenter, provide software from other sources, link to an online app store, and/or facilitate payments for apps in the system repositories.
Each app submission from a developer should be genuine and unique as determined by app reviewers. Submissions that are overly similar to existing apps from the same developer or are a a fork of an existing app with little to no changes may be rejected.
For the best experience, we strongly suggest the following before you publish your app:
Once your app is submitted you cannot change the GitHub account that it is linked to. We recommend you use a GitHub organization as the owner of the repository so it can be transferred in the future if you so choose. This also makes it easier to manage community contributions.
Note that anyone with access to the GitHub organization will be able to manage releases and monetization.
While AppCenter Dashboard supports repositories with dashes and underscores, it vastly simplifies things to omit them from your GitHub repository name and subsequently your app ID. Some components in the desktop require workarounds for ID matching with dashes and underscores, so it is typically simpler to stick to all lowercase with no dashes or underscores.
If your game UI properly scales when the window is resized, one way to support both HiDPI and loDPI (even if the engine doesn't out of the box) is to launch your game maximized. That way the UI will scale up no matter the resolution or scaling factor of the display.
Setting a dark or light style for your app
elementary OS ships with two styles for app widgets: a dark style and a light style. By default, your app will use the light style, but by using Gtk.Settings
and Granite.Settings
you can choose to always use a dark style or to follow the user's preference.
Some apps, like photo or video editors, benefit from reducing the contrast between their content and the app's UI by always choosing to be displayed using a dark style. You can set the dark style for your app by using Gtk.Settings
and setting the property gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme
. In your Application class, add the following lines to your activate
Here, we get the default Gtk.Settings
object and then we set this property to instruct GTK to use the dark style. Build your app and run it and notice that it now uses a dark style instead of a light style.
Many apps will be usable in either a light or dark style. In this case, apps should respect the user's style preference and adapt when it is changed.
First, make sure you've included Granite in the build dependencies declared in your meson.build file:
Now, you can read and respond to the user's style preference with Granite.Settings
and then use Gtk.Settings
to set it in your app's activate
We have a few requirements and suggestions for publishing your app to AppCenter. For a quick intro on writing apps for elementary OS, check out our guide. For more developer-oriented tips, see the .
Your app must be hosted in a . AppCenter Dashboard works by importing source code from a GitHub repository and building it in a clean environment. To ensure reproducible builds, transparency, and auditability, binaries cannot be uploaded or included alongside the source code to be installed on users' devices.
Your app must come with . elementary OS uses Flatpak packages to manage software installation and updates. Your app cannot be downloaded without it.
In general, your app's metadata should not refer to "elementary" or "elementary OS" in user-facing strings—it is assumed that all apps submitted to AppCenter are designed for elementary OS, and users don't need to be reminded of this. If there is a rare, legitimate reason for mentioning elementary, it must abide by the .
Your app must install an to /usr/share/metainfo
. AppCenter uses this metadata to create a listing for your app. It cannot be displayed in AppCenter without it.
Your metainfo.xml file must contain a tag that references your name or the name of your organization.
Your metainfo.xml must include accurate data. OARS uses a short, self-reported survey that only takes a few moments to output the required XML. Reviewers will check this data for accuracy in order for your app to be published.
For more information about the metainfo.xml format see, see the .
Your app must install to /usr/share/applications
. elementary OS uses a .desktop file to display your app in the applications launcher and the dock. Without this file, your app will not be visible to users.
Apps should generally abide by the . Guidelines around may be strictly enforced, as it is important that apps behave as expected by users.
When creating a new class, prefer GObject-style construction. This type of class construction separates handling arguments from the main logic of your class. It also ensures that information passed in during construction is still available later, and makes your class more likely to be compatible with GLib's functions like property binding.
A simple class written with GObject-style construction looks like this:
In the above example, MyClass
has a public
property foo
whose type is int
, but we've also declared it as { get; construct; }
. This shorthand declares the type of access for this property's get
and set
functions. Since we declared the property as public
, get
is also public, but we've declared the set
function as construct
, which means we can only assign its value as a constructor argument.
We want construction arguments to be public to ensure that we can later get information out of a class that was used to construct it, if need be. But it's important to declare limited set
access on properties for future maintainability. Since there is no handling for changes in this property in the construct
block, setting this property after the class is constructed would have no effect, even if we allowed it by declaring { get; construct set; }
also contains a constructor; it describes what arguments are required to construct the class. We've declared here that in order to construct MyClass
, we need an int
passed in when we initialize a new object such as with var new_class = new MyClass (5);
Inside the constructor, we have a special Object ()
call, in which we specify a property and its value, Object (foo: foo);
. This sets the value of the integer property foo
defined earlier to the value received as an argument. It is equivalent to saying this.foo = foo;
When using GObject-style construction, a constructor should only contain code that parses arguments and sets property values with the Object ()
call. All other class construction logic happens in the construct
block. Code in the construct
block runs every time an instance of this object is created, regardless of the constructor used.
To see how this style of class construction scales and keeps code organized, let's look at a more complex example. Say we want to display a list of devices. Each device lives in its own row, which is denoted by the class Row
. In this example, sometimes we have access to a Device
object which stores the name
and icon
properties of the device, but for some devices we have to pass in those properties manually to construct our row. We can achieve this by declaring two constructors:
a default constructor that takes two arguments: string name
and Icon icon
a separate, named constructor which takes one argument: a Device
Note that in both cases, we handle the arguments in the constructor, while the actual logic of creating UI widgets lives in the common construct
This way, we can have multiple constructors without having to repeat the initialization logic.
Adding Badges, Progress Bars, and launching Actions
Applications can show additional information in the dock as well as the application menu. This makes the application feel more integrated into the system and give user it's status at a glance. See HIG for Dock integration for what you should do and what you shouldn't.
For this integration you can use the Granite.Services.Application API. Since it uses the same D-Bus path as the Unity Launcher API, the API can work across many different distributions as it is widely supported by third party applications.
Applications Menu
✔️ Yes
✖️ No
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
✔️ Yes
Before writing any code, you must add the library Granite to your build system. We already installed this library during The Basic Setup when we installed elementary-sdk
. Open your meson.build
file and add the new dependency to the executable
Your app must also be a Gtk.Application
with a correctly set application_id
as we previously set up in Hello World.
Though we haven't made any changes to our source code yet, change into your build directory and run ninja
to build your project. It should still build without any errors. If you do encounter errors, double check your changes and resolve them before continuing.
Once you've set up granite
in your build system and created a new Gtk.Application
with an application_id
, it's time to write some code.
Showing a badge in the dock and Applications Menu with the number 12
can be done with the following lines:
Keep in mind you have to set the set_badge_visible
property to true, and use an int64 type for the set_badge
property. The suffix .begin
is required here since these are asynchronous methods.
The same goes for showing a progress bar, here we show a progress bar showing 20% progress:
As you can see, the method set_progress
takes a double
value type and is a range between 0
and 1
: from 0% to 100%. As with badges, Don't forget that set_progress_visible
must be true
and .begin
is required for asynchronous methods.
Actions are specific functions your app can perform without already being open; think of them as alternate and more specific entry points into your app. Actions appear in the context menu of your app icon in the Applications Menu and Dock, and are searchable by name from the Applications Menu.
Your app needs to support D-Bus activation in order to use actions as entry points. This does not require any changes to the application source code. All that is needed is a service file which is not unlike the .desktop
file that you are already familiar with. Create a new .service
file in the data
To install the service add the following to your meson.build
Lastly, update the .desktop
file by adding the DBusActivatable
line to the Desktop Entry
You can use any action defined in the app
namespace, i.e. registered with GLib.Application
, as an entry point for your application. Implementing actions is covered in-depth in the actions section. They must also be declared in a new Actions
line in your app's .desktop
file. This line should contain a ;
separated list of action names:
Then use a dedicated group, named after the unique action name, to define the details of each action:
The action name used in .desktop
file, both in Desktop Entry and later in Desktop Action groups, needs to match exactly the name used to register the action with GLib.Application
in the source code.
The Icon
line is optional and should be an icon which represents the action that will be performed. The Exec
line should be specified, but is used only for backwards compatibility in case your app ever runs in an environment without D-Bus activation support.
The action name should not include your app's name, as it will always be displayed alongside your app. The action icon should also not be your app icon, as it may be shown in the menu for your app icon, or badged on top of the app icon.
See the freedesktop.org Additional applications actions section for a detailed description of what keys are supported and what they do.
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub.
At any time, you can select the "$" icon in your dashboard to link your Stripe account and enable payments for your app in AppCenter. However, this change will only apply to your app when a new release is submitted; to link a new account or unlink an account you will need to create a new release and submit it for publishing.
Monetizing your app allows you to accept payments from users when they download your app. AppCenter displays the suggested price as the download button, along with a dropdown where users can choose their own price.
Remember that AppCenter is pay-what-you-want; the suggested price is not a price floor, and users can always enter a different price, including $0
Even if you want to give your app away for free, you should consider monetizing and setting the suggested price to $0. This lists your app as free throughout AppCenter, but allows users to send you optional payments when installing and from your app's listing.
Each payment is split between you and elementary 70/30, with a minimum payment to elementary of $0.50 to cover distribution and payment processing. For example: with a $10 payment, $3 is paid to elementary and $7 is paid to you. For a $1 payment, $0.50 is paid to elementary to cover distribution and payment processing while $0.50 is paid to you.
There are no enrollment fees or subscription costs to publish your app in AppCenter.
Recommendations for clean code bases
Internally, elementary uses the following code style guide to ensure that code is consistently formatted both internally and across projects. Consistent and easily-legible code makes it easier for newcomers to learn and contribute. We'd like to recommend that in the spirit of Open Source collaboration, all Vala apps written in the wider ecosystem also follow these guidelines.
White space comes before opening parentheses or braces:
An exception is admitted for Gettext-localized strings, where no space should go between the underscore and the opening parenthese:
Whitespace goes between numbers and operators in all math-related code.
Lines consisting of closing brackets (}
or )
) should be followed by an empty line, except when followed by another closing bracket or an else
Vala code is indented using 4 spaces for consistency and readability.
In classes, functions, loops and general flow control, the first brace is on the end of the first line ("One True Brace Style"), followed by the indented code, and a line closing the function with a brace:
On conditionals and loops, always use braces even if there's only one line of code:
Cuddled else and else if:
If you are checking the same variable more than twice, use switch/case instead of multiple else/if:
Markup languages like HTML, XML, and YML should use two-space indentation since they are much more verbose and likely to hit line-length issues sooner.
A file should only contain one public class.
All files have the same name as the class in them. For example, a file containing the class AbstractAppGrid
should be called "AbstractAppGrid.vala"
Classes should be named in a descriptive way, and include the name of any parent classes. For example, a class that subclasses Gtk.ListBoxRow
and displays the names of contacts should be called ContactRow
Comments are either on the same line as the code they reference or in a special line.
Comments are indented alongside the code, and obvious comments do more harm than good.
Sometimes detailed descriptions in the context of translatable strings are necessary for disambiguation or to help in the creation of accurate translations. For these situations use /// TRANSLATORS:
Variable and function names are all lower case and separated by underscores:
Classes and enums are Upper Camel Case (aka Pascal Case):
Constants and enum members should be all uppercase and separated by underscores:
The values of constant strings (such as when used with GLib.Action) should be lowercase and separated with dashes:
Avoid using as
keyword when casting as it might give null
as result, which could be forgotten to check.
In places or operations where you would otherwise use get
or set
, you should make use of =
For example, instead of using
you should use
This is especially clearer when initializing an object with many properties. Avoid the following
and instead do this
This goes for creating methods inside of classes as well. Instead of
you should use
or, where you need some extra logic in the getters and setters:
Preferring properties in classes enables the use of GLib.Object.bind_property ()
between classes instead of needing to create signals and handle changing properties manually.
Referring to GLib is not necessary. If you want to print something instead of:
You can use
Avoid using literals when formatting strings:
Instead, prefer printf style placeholders:
Warnings in Vala use printf syntax by default:
Gtk widgets are intended to respond to click events that can be described as "press + release" instead of "press". Usually it is better to respond to toggle
and release
events instead of press
Ideally, lines should have no more than 80 characters per line, because this is the default terminal size. However, as an exception, more characters could be added, because most people have wide-enough monitors nowadays. The hard limit is 120 characters.
For methods that take multiple arguments, it is not uncommon to have very long line lengths. In this case, treat parenthesis like brackets and split lines at commas like so:
If you are using elementary Code or your code editor supports EditorConfig, you can use this as a default .editorconfig
file in your projects:
Create menus and popovers manually or automatically using a menu model
Before beginning this section, create a new Gtk.Application
complete with a desktop launcher file, packaging, etc and add a Quit action as covered in the Actions section.
Popovers are a very flexible container widget that can contain any other widgets, just like your main window. In this section we'll be opening a popover by clicking on a Gtk.MenuButton
Create a new MenuButton and add it to the end of the HeaderBar. Use the icon-name
property to give it an icon, and add Granite.STYLE_CLASS_LARGE_ICONS
to make it bigger just like we did in the Actions section with our image Button. You can also set the primary
property to true
which will make this menu open when pressing the keyboard shortcut F10
. Finally, add a tooltip to make the keyboard shortcut more discoverable.
Now create a new Button with the action app.quit, but instead of giving it a label, set a Granite.AccelLabel
as its child; this will allow us to show the associated keyboard shortcut for the menu item. Finally, add Granite.STYLE_CLASS_MENUITEM
so that the button shows as a borderless menu item.
Next create a Popover and set the quit Button as its child. Adding Granite.STYLE_CLASS_MENU
will automatically set up some margins and sizing for us. Finally, set the popover
property of the MenuButton to point to our Popover.
Build and run your app. Notice that you can open and close the Popover automatically by activating the MenuButton with your pointer or by using the keyboard shortcut F10
. The Popover is styled correctly as a menu and clicking the quit Button closes your app.
You can also create Popover menus automatically from Actions. In this section we'll be creating a Gtk.PopoverMenu with a GLib.Menu and opening it with a secondary click.
Start by creating a new Menu and add an item "Quit" with the action name "app.quit". Then create a new PopoverMenu with the Menu we just created as its model. We can position
and halign
the PopoverMenu so that it appears where we expect in relation to the pointer, and we'll set has_arrow
to false, since this menu won't be pointing to a button.
Now let's add a new Gtk.GestureClick
as the button it responds to. Then at the end of the activate ()
function, we'll connect to the release ()
signal of that gesture.
When the GestureClick is released, it tells us the coordinates of where that gesture took place in our app, which we'll store in a Gdk.Rectangle
. Then we can set the pointing_to
property of our popover to that rectangle, and open it with the popup ()
There's just one more thing to do for our secondary click menu, and that's to add a widget that will be the parent of our PopoverMenu and receive the GestureClick. Add a Box to the main window, connect the GestureClick using add_controller ()
, and parent the PopoverMenu with set_parent ()
Build and run your app, then use a secondary click to open the PopoverMenu at your pointer. You'll notice that the keyboard shortcut is shown automatically in the menu, everything is styled correctly without having to manually add any style classes, and clicking the menu item closes your app.
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code here on GitHub. You can also learn more from Gtk.Popover
reference documentation.
Sending Notification Bubbles with GLib.Notification
By now you've probably already seen the notification bubbles that appear on the top right of the screen. Notifications are a way to provide updates about the state of your app. For example, they can inform you that a long running background process has been completed or a new message has arrived. In this section we are going to show you just how to get them to work in your app.
In your .desktop
file, add the line X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true
to the end of the file. This is what will make your app appear in System Settings so that notification preferences can be set.
Now build and run your app, and click the "Notify" button. Congratulations, you've learned how to send notifications!
Notifications will automatically contain your app's icon, but you can add additional context by setting a badge icon. Right after the line containing var notification = New Notification
, add:
Build and run your app again, and press the "Notify" button. As you can see, the notification now has a smaller badged icon placed over your app's icon. Using this method, you can set the icon to any of the named icons shipped with elementary OS.
Now, we can add a button to the notification with a label and the action ID.
Build and run your app again, and press the "Notify" button. Notice that the notification now has a button with the label "Quit" and clicking it will close your app.
Remember that SimpleAction
s added in the Application
class with add_action ()
are automatically added in the app
namespace. Notifications can't trigger actions defined in other namespaces like win
You may have noticed that when you click on a new notification, a new window pops up. This is happening because the notification has a default action that is executed when the user clicks on it. If you don't set it, it will activate
your application, where we create a new window and present it.
Make a new button with the label "Replace" that sends a new notification, this time with an ID. This button will replace a notification with a matching ID when clicked, instead of sending a new notification.
Build and run your app again. Click on the buttons, first on "Notify", then "Replace". See how the "Notify" button sends a new notification each time it's clicked, but the "Replace" button replaces the contents of the same notification when it's clicked.
Let's review what all we've learned:
Screenshots are uploaded to the AppCenter screenshot server at publication time. The URL referenced in your MetaInfo file will be automatically replaced during publication and any changes you make to images hosted at the remote URL will not be reflected in AppCenter.
If you change the UI of your app in an update, you must update your screenshots
Release notes show up in AppCenter both on your app info page and on the updates page.
The contents of the description
tag should be written for the people who use your app. Avoid technical language and developer-facing changes and focus more on what people can expect to see in this update.
You can also list issues from your issue tracker (e.g. GitHub) that have been resolved in this release as a way for you to close the feedback loop that began when someone opened an issue on your tracker. Issue tags will be presented as links below a release description in AppCenter. Showing that you are responsive to feedback is a powerful tool in building a community around your app.
For now only the generic
issue type is supported, and you must provide the url
property. The value of the tag should be the title of the issue that it links to. For example:
AppCenter does not support changing your GitHub username or organization name, as we rely on the unique RDNN of your app to avoid conflicts—and there is not an automated way to change the RDNN throughout the whole stack from AppCenter Dashboard down to the .deb files built and hosted in the AppCenter repository. If you change your GitHub username or organization name associated with your app, you will no longer be able to publish updates to your app without changing its name and branding. If you have ended up in this situation, you will receive an issue filed against your app with more details and with some options.
Creating tool items, GLib.Actions, and keyboard shortcuts
Since we're using this HeaderBar as our app's main titlebar, we need to set show_title_buttons
to true
so that GTK knows to include window controls. We can then override our Window's built-in titlebar with the titlebar
Build and run your app. You can see that it now has a custom HeaderBar with a big red icon in it. But when you click on it, nothing happens.
Define a new Quit action and register it with Application
from inside the startup
You'll notice that we do a few things here:
Set the "accelerators" (keyboard shortcuts) for "app.quit" to <Control>q
and <Control>w
. Notice that the action name is prefixed with app
; this refers to the namespace of the ActionMap
built in to Gtk.Application
Now we can tie the action to the HeaderBar Button by assigning the action_name
property of our Button:
Build and run your app again and see that you can now quit the app either through the defined keyboard shortcuts or by clicking the Button in the HeaderBar.
First, make sure you've included Granite in the build dependencies declared in your meson.build
file, then set the tooltip_markup
property of your HeaderBar Button:
Build and run your app and then hover over the HeaderBar Button to see its description and associated keyboard shortcuts.
Create a new Gtk.Application
complete with a desktop launcher file, packaging, etc. You can review this in .
In your Application.vala
file, in the activate ()
function, create a new and add it to a with some margins. Then set that box as the child widget for your app's main window.
Finally, connect to the signal of that button, and create a new Notification
with body text, and then send it with .
You can browse the full set of named icons using the app, available in AppCenter.
You can also add buttons to notifications that will trigger actions defined in the app
namespace. To add a button, first define an action in your Application class as we did in .
You can change the default action using . The default action has to be in the app
namespace. If you are unsure what that means, see .
If you want to avoid creating a new window every time your application is activated, you need to check if there is a window in and present it instead.
Notifications also have priority. When a notification is set as URGENT
it will stay on the screen until either you interact with it, or your application withdraws it. To make an urgent notification, use the function
notifications should really only be used on the most extreme cases. There are also .
We now know how to send a notification, but what if you need to update it with new information? Thanks to the id
argument of the function, we can replace a notification with a matching ID. This ID can be anything you like.
We built .
Notifications automatically get our app's icon, but we can also
We can that trigger actions in the app
Notifications can have a which affects their behavior
We can by setting a replaces ID
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code You can learn more from GLib.Notification
For more information on formatting releases, see the .
GTK and GLib have a powerful API called which can be used to define the primary actions of your app, assign them keyboard shortcuts, use them as entry points for your app and tie them to widgets like Buttons and Menu Items. In this section, we're going to create a Quit action for your app with an assigned keyboard shortcut and a Button that shows that shortcut in a tooltip.
Begin by creating a Gtk.Application
with a Gtk.ApplicationWindow
as you've done in . Once you have that set up, let's create a new . Typically your app will have a HeaderBar, at the top of the window, which will contain tool items that users will interact with to trigger your app's actions.
Now, create a new with a big colorful icon and add it to the HeaderBar:
elementary OS ships with a large set of system icons that you can use in your app for actions, status, and more. You can browse the full set of named icons using the app, available in AppCenter.
Instantiate a new with the name "quit"
Add the action to our Gtk.Application
Connect the activate
signal of our SimpleAction
to Application's function.
Accelerator strings follow a format defined by . You can find a list of key values
Actions defined like this, and registered with Application, can be used as entry points into the app. You can find out more about this integration in .
You may have noticed that in elementary apps you can hover your pointer over tool items to see a description of the button and any available keyboard shortcuts associated with it. We can add the same thing to our Button with .
If you're having trouble, you can view the full example code . You can also learn more from GLib.Action
Deep linking to System Settings
Some of the features of your application may depend on system level settings or services, such as Internet connectivity or app level access to the network. While your app cannot directly change those settings, it can prompt users to change them by linking to specific panes in the System Settings.
elementary OS implements a special settings://
URI scheme for linking to System Settings. The links lead to specific settings panes. You can find most commonly used ones in the Granite.SettingsUri
namespace in the Granite library.
First, make sure you've included recent enough version of Granite and Gtk in the build dependencies declared in your meson.build
file. You can get those dependencies by using the elementary Flatpak runtime version 7.2
or newer:
Then you can open Network settings by launching Granite.SettingsUri.NETWORK
You can find out more about the Gtk.UriLauncher
in its documentation.
There are roughly two categories of settings that you can prompt users to change: general purpose and app specific. General ones include:
, where connection to the Internet can be enabled
, where users can add their CalDAV and IMAP accounts
, where microphone input can be enabled
while app specific ones are:
, where Flatpak permissions are managed
, where access to location data can be granted
, where presentation of app notifications can be customized
, where global keyboard shortcuts can be added
The submission process for AppCenter, broken down into a few short steps
Please make sure to review the publishing requirements before submitting your app
Before you can publish your app, you'll need to release it on GitHub. It is important that you use a Semantic Versioning Number without a pre-release tag when releasing.
It is important to make changes to your app's monetization status before completing this step
To submit your app to AppCenter, you'll need to create a new JSON file describing your app release in the AppCenter Reviews repository on Github:
Name the file using your app's id with the json
file extension. Fill in the contents of the file with the link to your git repository, the commit hash from your latest release, and the version number of that release:
The source
field needs to be a publicly accessible Git repository. The commit
field is the full Git sha for the release you're submitting. And the version
field needs to be a SemVer tag.
Once you've submitted the new file as a pull request to the AppCenter Reviews repository, your app will now be in the review queue!
All apps and updates in the review queue are listed as open pull requests. Once a pull request is approved and merged by a reviewer, that app will be published to the AppCenter Flatpak repository. Depending on demand, this may take several days.
Your app will go through an automated build process when it has been accepted by a reviewer. It will need to pass the Parse
and Build
steps listed in GitHub CI at the bottom of the pull request. If either of those steps fail, please inspect the build log to resolve issues.
If any questions or requested changes come up during the review process, the reviewer will use the conversation on the pull request and may mark it as "Changes Requested". You will need to correct these issues, create a new release of your app, and update the pull request with your new release.
The reviewer may also make some suggestions for best practices, inform you of new features, or link you to documentation.
When your app passes automated testing and human review, it will become available in AppCenter in elementary OS.
If you wish to publish an update, you can restart the submission process by creating a new release on GitHub. Then navigate to the AppCenter Reviews Github repository, modify your app's json file with the latest commit hash and release tag, and submit that change as a pull request to begin a new review process.
elementary provides badges, e.g. for your GitHub README. Badges will open to your app's page on the AppCenter website where users can learn more about your app, see screenshots, and decide to download it. They look like this:
Make sure to replace io.github.USER.REPO
in the URL with the ID for your app